Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Road Not Taken

I'm not very big on poems, but this one really stood out to me.  "The Road Not Taken", by Robert Frost, is a poem of a man who is stuck between two "roads" in his life and is not quite sure which one to take.  Each path has its ups and downs and he is alone on this choice.  In the end,  he takes the riskier one, or  "the one less traveled" and mentions that it has made all the difference.  It does not say whether that difference is good or bad but thats life.  No matter which road you take...it will somehow effect you but that it how you learn.  This poem put many things into perspective in my life at the moment, and with that I will never forget it.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this one to. I believe that every person on this earth has a choice in life which consist of going down the road to success or the road of destruction. I think every person makes there own decision at the end of the day but you should always make the smart choice.
